Coastal Consciousness

Written by Marisa Lazarus

“There’s this still, sacredness in coastal living. Moments where you look out at the chaos of the breaking waves, and feel nothing but a calm serenity.

In 2020, I traded in the high rises of New York City, for the vastness of the Pacific Ocean. For years prior to this move, I had itchy feet and a deep desire for change. Born and raised in upstate New York, where my ‘beach’ growing up was a lake with sand - I had a deep craving to live by the ocean. Initially, California was on my mind - but one thing led to the next, as life does, and I skipped right on over to the Hawaiian Islands.

Waking up everyday to the sound of waves, ability to access the shore in 5-10 minutes, and tasting the salt in the air has the ability to completely shift a person. I quickly noticed the people living in such closeness with nature, especially the ocean, have a different perspective and appreciation for life.

I remember a friend asking me what the biggest shift from NYC to Hawaii was and I responded in short - “in Hawaii when people ask you what you do that question is purely joy based.” A lifestyle of chasing waves, time in the sunshine, time in togetherness, simple delights. Career and other materialistic things we find ourselves stressing and obsessing over in cities cease to exist when you’re surrounded by such beauty and vastness.

The ability to connect with others in this style of life is unmatched. When we feel closer to Mother Nature, we are closer with ourselves which allows us to find deeper connection with one another. Some of my happiest memories include nothing more than sand, sun, ocean, and community.”

A big mahalo 🤙🏼 to Marisa for contributing this amazing guest post and embodying what it means to embrace a truly coastal lifestyle!


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